Amalia Foods

Amalia Foods specializes in bar ingredients.

Amalia Litsa, owner of Dear Diary Coffee founded Amalia Foods to manufacture syrups, oat milk, flavor powders, and other ingredients for her own coffee shop as well as other food business in Austin, TX.


Hunnybunny is the most realistic vegan honey alternative on the market. Like bee honey, it is made by bringing sugar to a very specific temperature, which breaks down the fructose and glucose. Natural enzymes prevent it from crystalizing. The golden color of Hunnybunny is natural caramelization.

Amalia Litsa, who owns Dear Diary Coffee, developed Hunnybunny so her shop could serve vegan honey lattes. Customers also drizzle Hunnybunny on bagels.

12oz bottles of Hunnybunny are available for sale at Dear Diary Coffee.

Restaurants can place bulk orders by emailing


$10.00 – 12oz bottle

$50.00 – Case of 8

$40.00 – 64oz jug

Speciality Hunny

We can also make small batch specialty flavors upon request.

  • Pistachio Hunny

  • Chai Hunny

  • MARSmallow Hunny

  • Chocolate MARSmallow Hunny

  • Vanilla Hunny

  • Lavender Hunny

These flavors are phenomenal in tea, over ice cream, and in baked goods such as baklava.

Restaurants can place bulk orders by emailing


$12.00 – 8oz jar

$60.00 – Case of 8

$48.00 – 64oz jug

Bar Caramel

Also known as caramel color, this highly concentrated syrup adds a deep roasted flavor to chocolate and lattes. It’s amazing over ice cream, and tastes like toasted marshmallows when paired with vanilla.

Dear Diary Coffee uses bar caramel to make the “no-caffeine espresso” used in their Night Night latte. Just 1/4 ounce of this syrup in milk produces a rich, brown color and boosts the quality of the latte foam.

Dear Diary’s bar caramel is made concurrently with Hunnybunny. The main difference is bar caramel requires and even higher temperature. The main ingredient in both is vegan raw cane sugar.

Want to try bar caramel? Try the Night Night Latte or Marshmallow Latte at Dear Diary Coffee.

Restaurants can purchase 64oz jugs of bar caramel by emailing their order to


$30.00 – 64oz jug

Bricco Blends

Bricco Blends is Litsa’s vision for locally made, eco-friendly oat milk. R&D was an out-of-pocket expense, and the project was put on pause after its beta launch in October of 2022.

Bricco Blends is still a long-term goal. All the data collected in the beta is ready to be applied to the next iteration. It’s just a matter of funding.